10 Ways to Describe How Big God is to Your Problems
This article is by Kim Brightness and published by Team Jesus Magazine
Our Problems Face a Big God
I get it, Teammates. Life comes at us fast – without warning or explanation. Just when we think things are going well, here comes an illness, a layoff, a wayward spouse or child, an accident, workplace sabotage, death of a loved one, a pandemic… this list can go on and on.
It makes it no better that we are living in the last days when perilous times become the norm. Hate and revenge are the expected responses to an offense or disagreement. Injustice, greed, and racism saturate the halls of “high places” in society’s power structures.
Nevertheless, but God!
We serve a God who is bigger than any problem, frustration, challenge, trial, attack, hardship, sickness, injustice… THIS list goes on!
Sometimes, life can hurt so bad that we forget how BIG God is. Well, here’s a gentle reminder for all of us. Once we stir up the BIGness of God in our hearts and minds – here’s what we can tell that ol’ ugly problem.
A Non-Exhaustive List of How Big God Is
1. In the beginning, God.
Hey, problem! Genesis 1:1, John 1:1! You will never be bigger than the Beginning. Before you were, God is! And, because God started it all when “all” and you didn’t exist, there’s nothing you can do to get a head start on our Big God. He will always be ahead of you, outmaneuvering you. That’s how BIG our God is!
2. The Earth is God’s footstool.
Hey, problem! Isaiah 66:1! Have you seen the size of the Earth? Can you measure its width and breadth? Well, this large planet is where God rests His feet. No, not His whole body, the Earth couldn’t handle that – just His feet. That’s how BIG our God is!
3. God sees everything.
Hey, problem! Proverbs 15:3! You can’t escape being noticed by the eyes of God. God’s eyes are everywhere; He saw your formation, your selected strategy, and tactics, and He sees your guaranteed end. That’s how BIG our God is!
4. God answers before we call.
Hey, problem! Isaiah 65:24! Before I opened my mouth to tell God about you, before I shed one tear about you, God already answered me. God even heard the words I couldn’t muster the strength or know-how to say. That’s huge. That’s how BIG our God is!
5. God has numbered the hairs on my head.
Hey, problem! Luke 12:7! Do you know how many individual hairs (or hair follicles) I have on my head? God does. See how much I’m worth? He can call the numbers out for every single one that has fallen since you appeared, and can grow new strands back with their own unique number. That’s how BIG our God is!
6. There is none like God.
Hey, problem! Jeremiah 10:6 and 2 Samuel 7:22! God alone is God (Psalm 86:10). Not you, me, nor my response to you. Besides God, there is no other greater. Comparison is futile. That’s how BIG our God is!
7. God can’t lie.
Hey, problem! Numbers 23:19! God is trustworthy and dependable. So every promise He makes, everything He said He will do shall come to pass without fail. That’s how BIG our God is!
8. God is not petty.
Hey, problem! Romans 5:8! God goes first! He doesn’t require perfection in order to love me, save me, redeem me. He’s that big of a God to give His all first before we even considered Him. If God puts it all on the line for enemies, imagine what He does for His children. That’s how BIG our God is!
9. The name of God is a safe tower.
Hey, problem! Proverbs 18:10! I may be on the run, but I can find safety in the very name of God – pick one! God is my healer, my provider, my strength, my life, my redeemer, my rock, my joy – I can rest confidently in His name. That’s how BIG our God is!
10. In the end, God.
Hey, problem! Revelation 1:8! The same God who is the Beginning is also the End. When it’s all said and done, at the end of the day, God will still be God – and you will be no more. That’s how BIG our God is!
Bonus: We’ve already won!
Hey, problem! 1 John 5:4 and 2 Corinthians 2:14! Between being born of God, which makes us overcomers by default, and Abba always causing us to triumph – do you really think you have a chance?
So, What’s the Play Call?
Meditate on the Word of God, His faithfulness, and His greatness. Never forget who’s in control and who’s in charge of everything that concerns you.
It’s not me, it’s not you, it’s not that problem – it’s our BIG God!
How do YOU tell your problems how big God is?