Revelation – Part 3

Scripture References: Colossians 2:17; Revelation 1:3, Revelation 1:19; Matthew 16:18; 2 Thessalonians 2:7; Luke 19:13; Revelation 2:1-17, 1 Corinthians 15:33

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The Bible and Unforgiveness

Has anyone done you wrong? How does that person make you feel? You feel angry, right? You feel resentful and you want that person to feel pain, too, right? How does it feel when that person is around? Does that person make you feel good or bad?
When someone has done us wrong, we feel negative emotions, such as hate, anger, and resentment. But when you take a deeper look at the situation, who is hurting more? Is it the person that did you wrong? Or is it you?
The Bible tells us a lot of things about forgiveness and unforgiveness. In Ephesians 4:32, it says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

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