Ministry Center
Still In Progress…
Now set your heart and soul to seek the LORD your God. Therefore arise and build the sanctuary of the LORD God… (1 Chronicles 22:19)
Join us in our Embassy Ministry Center building project. This new Christian Ministry Center is headquarters for the work God has called us to do here in the Seven Cities and around the world.
We stepped out in obedience to the word of the Lord in April of 2012 to “arise and build” the new ministry, educational and healing center. This new 32,000 square foot two-story ministry center positions us to be even more effective in the Gospel mission God has given us for Hampton Roads, Virginia, the United States and around the world.
We recently welcomed Veritas Christian Academy, educating children Kindergarten through 12th Grade with an educational philosophy in a genuinely Christian environment.
This “Walk of Faith” has been very exciting as we see the miracles of God manifest at every turn. God is providing through His people and with God’s guidance and provision in and through His people, we are excited to press onward toward completion.
UPDATE: Our first service in the new Ministry Center was on Resurrection Sunday, April 5, 2015!!!
Our next project over the next few weeks will be to demolish the original building. We are also placing our focus on installing the porch and finishing the parking lot.
We appreciate your continued prayer and financial support as we continue to build the CEIC Ministry Center.
You can make a tax-deductible donation online today to help in the building of this Ministry Center:
(Click the image below to give using EasyTithe – designate to “Kingdom Advance Building Campaign”)