How to Have a Great Year with a 100% Guarantee January 3, 2021 | 0 Scripture References: Psalm 75:6-7; Psalm 115:14-15; Genesis 26:1;12; John 13:15; Ephesians 2:10; Luke 10:27; Luke 22:24-27; Philippians 2:3-4; Luke 10:25-37; John 13:3-5; Matthew 25:36-40 Your browser does not support the audio element. Posted in 1. Sermons - Pastor Tim, Sermons, Uncategorized and tagged 2 basins of water, 7 things to do everyday, add value to people, help people, how to have a great year, parable of the good samaritan, put character over comfort, put service over status, serve people, value people